الدولة : عدد المشاركات : 49757 نقاط : 58030 تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2009 العمر : 31 الجنس :
موضوع: كل اللى عاوز يترجم النوبلتى رانك الأربعاء أكتوبر 20, 2010 2:49 pm
#define CN_RES_H //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define STR_PIGEON_SEND_ERR_NOEMONEY "Your body does not carry enough days stone Qianlichuanyin messaging failure." #define STR_PIGEON_SEND_ERR_EMPTYSTRING "Enter the characters can not be empty Qianlichuanyin information submitted to fail." #define STR_PIGEON_SEND_ERR_STRING_TOOLONG "Information entered is too long, Qianlichuanyin information submission failed" #define STR_PIGEON_SEND_PIGEON_PRODUCE_PROMPT "You have successfully submitted a Qianlichuanyin information" #define STR_PIGEON_URGENT_ERR_NOEMONEY "The days of you who do not have enough stone, Qianlichuanyin information expedited failure." #define STR_PIGEON_URGENT_SENT_ALREADY "This information has been successfully released Qianlizhuanyin expedited failure information." #define STR_PIGEON_SEND_OVER_5_PIECES "You have not yet released information on the current more than 5, temporarily unable to continue to send the message. Please check back later to send" #define STR_PEERAGE_DONATE_ERR_BELOW_LEVEL "Peerage title only for 70 or more players open." #define STR_PEERAGE_DONATE_ERR_BELOW_UNDERLINE "Sorry, the minimum amount of three million gold coin donation." #define STR_PEERAGE_DONATE_ERR_NO_ENOUGH_MONEY "Days less than the number of coins or stones." #define STR_PEERAGE_PROMPT_KING "Congratulation! %s Donation To King in Nobility Rank. " #define STR_PEERAGE_PROMPT_QUEEN "Congratulation! %s Donation To Queen in Nobility Rank." #define STR_PEERAGE_PROMPT_DUKE "Congratulation! %s Donation is Prince in Nobility Rank." #define STR_PEERAGE_PROMPT_MARQUIS "Congratulation! %s You At Duke in Nobility Rank." #define STR_PEERAGE_PROMPT_EARL "Congratulation! %s Donation At Earl in Nobility Rank." #define STR_PEERAGE_PROMPT_VISCOUNT "Congratulation! %s Donation At Knight in Nobility Rank." #define STR_PEERAGE_PROMPT_BARON "Congratulation! %s Donation tO Baron in Nobility Rank." #define STR_GUIDE_CONTRIBUTE_NOGODTIME "A heaven-sent blessing of time currently available to 0." #define STR_GUIDE_CONTRIBUTE_NOADDLEVEL "An additional contribution of objects less than 100 degrees and can not reward the additional items in exchange." #define STR_GUIDE_CONTRIBUTE_BAGFULL "Backpack is full, please sort out a place to put additional equipment." #define STR_GUIDE_BETRAY "You and the% s out of the master apprentice relationship, 3 days can not be sworn to other master! At the same time the division into the rebel state." #define STR_GUIDE_BETRAY_TUTOR "Your apprentice% s betray a division." #define STR_GUIDE_TUTOR_SUCCESS "% s with% s established a mentoring relationship." #define STR_GUIDE_RETUTOR_SUCCESS "% s with% s to re-establish a master apprentice relationship." #define STR_GUIDE_TUTOR_LOGIN "You are the master of the% s on the line." #define STR_GUIDE_STUDENT_LOGIN "Your apprentice% s on the line." #define STR_GUIDE_TUTOR_LOW_LEVEL "Your grade does not meet the 70, can not Shoutu." #define STR_GUIDE_STUDENT_HIGH_LEVEL "Each other's level is too high, can not be close to each other's apprentices." #define STR_GUIDE_TOO_MANY_STUDENTS "Your apprentice is full and can no longer Shoutu Di!" #define STR_GUIDE_SENDSTUDENT "Has been sent to each other Shoutu requirements." #define STR_GUIDE_TUTOR_LOW_LEVEL1 "The other side does not meet the level of 70, can not be your master." #define STR_GUIDE_STUDENT_HIGH_LEVEL1 "Each other's level was too low to apprentice." #define STR_GUIDE_TOO_MANY_STUDENTS1 "The other party must have received at least apprentices, and the other thanks to Masters Bar." #define STR_GUIDE_SENDTUTOR "Hayashi has been sent a message to each other." #define STR_GUIDE_EXPEL_TUTOR "% s will no longer be your apprentices!" #define STR_GUIDE_EXPEL_STUDENT "You are the master of the lifting with your apprentice relationship, from that you will no longer be the master apprentice relationship." #define STR_GUIDE_RETUTOR_FAIL "The other side refused to continue as your disciples." #define STR_GUIDE_STUDENT_FAIL "Refused to be your apprentice." #define STR_GUIDE_TUTOR_FAIL "Hayashi refused your application." #define STR_FLOWER_SENDOR_NOT_MALE "Flowers such menial jobs, or to the boys then do it" #define STR_FLOWER_RECEIVER_NOT_FEMALE "Pink flowers can only be donated" #define STR_FLOWER_HAVE_SENT_TODAY "%s U is now time% u hours, today you have already sent over flowers." #define STR_FLOWER_LEVEL_TOO_LOW "Your grades are under 50, please continue to keep it up" #define STR_FLOWER_SENDER_NOT_ALIVE "Oh, to be revived in order to send flowers." #define STR_FLOWER_RECEIVER_PROMPT "%s to you to send a bouquet of beautiful flowers." #define STR_FLOWER_NAME_RED "Red Rose" #define STR_FLOWER_NAME_WHITE "Lilies" #define STR_FLOWER_NAME_LILY "Orchid" #define STR_FLOWER_NAME_TULIP "Tulip" #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_RED_3 "%s received 3 Red Rose from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_RED_9 "%s received 9 Red Rose from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_RED_99 "%s received 99 Red Rose from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_RED_999 "%s received 999 Red Rose from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_WHITE_3 "%s received 3 Lilies from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_WHITE_9 "%s received 9 Lilies from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_WHITE_99 "%s received 99 Lilies from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_WHITE_999 "%s received 999 Lilies from %s ." #define STR_FLOWER_GM_PROMPT_LILY_3 "%s received 3 Orchids from %s ."